Florida Online Traffic School & DUI Laws

Fulfilling a traffic school requirement is easier than ever with I Drive Safely’s Traffic School. Take care of a traffic violation or earn a discount on your monthly insurance rates with our hassle-free, 100% online courses.

For drivers who have received a non-criminal minor traffic ticket, or who have been ordered by the court to complete a Basic Driver Improvement (BDI/TCAC) course.

For drivers who have received two or more traffic tickets in a period of 12 months, resulting in a court directive to complete an 8-hour Defensive Driving Course (DDC).

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$99.00 $63.00

For drivers who have a revoked or suspended license, or who are required by the court to complete an Advanced Driver Improvement (ADI) course.

* $19.95 State Certificate & Handling Fee
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State Certificate & Handling Fee

The Florida Department of Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles requires all course providers to pay a State Assessment fee to directly process and submit your BDI course completion information to them. And the assessment fees are remitted to the Department's Highway Safety Operating Trust Fund which is used to administer the General Operations of the Department. This will insure that the Department of Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles has your information on file.

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